
The best way to start whiten your teeth is at the dentist’s office with a professional teeth whitening process. This is neither an expensive or long process, and the results you get at the dentist’s office are automatic. Generally the dentist applies a product directly to the teeth and then uses either a sequence of lights or a heat process or even a laser to activate the material applied to the teeth.

This should take between thirty to sixty minutes, and the results range from 2 to 3 shades lighter after the process. These results will vary depending on how stained or dark your teeth are, and for the very dramatic whitening results, you need to attend a few sessions at the dentist’s office. So, after taking the time to go to the dentist to get your teeth to their pearly white best, the name of the game is maintaining that sparkly smile; so read on to find out how.

Now we need to focus on maintaining that brilliant smile

The basics never go away with tooth and gum care, so yes you guessed it, brush your teeth daily. Brushing your teeth between two and three times a day is ideal, usually best if you attempt to brush your teeth within fifteen to twenty minutes after a meal. All toothpastes have mild abrasives in them that will help to remove surface stains that occur after eating Foods and liquids can impart stains to the teeth that regular brushing will combat handily.

If you are a heavy coffee drinker or a smoker, you will have a lot more staining to combat, so just regular brushing may not do the trick. There are plenty of other methods out there to combat heavy staining, ask your dentist which product will work best for you if you are having problems due to your coffee or cigarette consumption.

Whitening mouthwashes, toothpastes, strips and trays, it can all get confusing

Since you are trying to maintain that blinding smile, but you love your coffee, or your cigarettes; you might need to look into a bit stronger method for maintaining your pearly whites to their best shine. Whitening mouthwashes, whitening toothpastes, and even whitening strips as maintenance programs for your teeth are a great way to go, and go the extra mile in preventing stains from taking hold again.

The specialized mouthwashes and toothpastes are self-explanatory, the strips are applied to your upper and lower front teeth and kept in place for anywhere between one to two hours, and the trays are soft plastic tooth impressions trays which the user fills with the whitening solution and then wears in the mouth for up to eight hours.

Trays are best used overnight, while strips can be used during the day as long as you do not have to do anything too social. Which solution you use to maintain your teeth and smile depends on how much staining you are experiencing, your lifestyle and habits. Remember that tooth whitening products and treatments are not permanent; and should never be used in place of standard dental care.

With any questions and to schedule an appointment for a consultation and professional teeth whitening procedure, please call Dr. Mariana Savel, DDS Staten Island Dental Office at (718) 494-2200 and contact us online: